Friday, January 1, 2010

Excessive Underarm Sweating Treatments Home Remedies Cures Causes Prevention

Excessive Underarm Sweating is a very common problem that affects a huge group of people. Sweating is a physiological process used for defensive purpose of the body. But in many cases there is excessive sweating and can lead to body odor, in turn leading to low self esteem and dignity. The sweat glands called apocrine and merocrine are responsible for sweat produced in human bodies.

Excessive Underarm Sweating Problem Preventions:-

Aluminum chloride is the ingredient that can prevent underarm sweating with most people. It doesn't control the amount of sweat you have, but it does control how much of the sweat is released at some time.

Some people take the painful route with Botox -- the same stuff that stops wrinkles. The good thing about Botox is that it can stop the problem for about six months.

Excessive Underarm Sweating Home Herbal Treatments Cure Care Remedies:-

Baking soda, as you probably know, is an alkaline that facilitates speedy evaporation of sweat. For a natural remedy, the best idea is to mix together equal quantities of cornstarch and baking soda. To infuse the faintest strains of scent, you could infuse little essential oil drops and then confidently apply it on dry underarms. This can help to feel fresh and smell good all day.

Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy or ETS is a surgery option to cure excessive underarm sweating. You can use this alternative to specifically answer your need on how to cure excessive underarm sweating. This will surgically remove the critical sweat glands in the armpits.

Use the talcum powder together with an effective anti-perspirant. The talc will minimize the chance of sweating throughout the day.

Don't drink caffeinated drinks, if this is something you suffer from - caffeine will only make your underarm sweating worse, because it's a stimulant of the symphatetic nervous system - it speeds up all body functions.

Try to Avoid Foods Garlic and Onions, Fish, Meats, Curries, Fried Foods, Foods with a lot of coloring and chemical additives.

Eat More Foods like rich in zinc, Sage, Green vegetables, Fruits, Alfalfa.

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