Thursday, January 7, 2010

Health Tips Facts – Winter Skin Care Advice Routine Protection Home Remedies

With cold winds and below freezing temperatures, a woman's face can take quite a beating during the winter. It's easy to cover the rest of your body, but completely covering your face is not such a simple task. You do, after all, need to see where you're going.

Cold weather can take its toll on your skin, too, especially if you have sensitive or dry skin. The lower temperatures outside, increased windiness and the fact you are turning up the thermostat in your home can all make your skin chapped, flaky, blotchy, dry and itchy.

1. Continue to use a sunscreen with SPF 15 or better. Although you may not feel it as much, the sun can be just as powerful when reflecting off the snow or while taking a long walk outdoors as it is on a summer day at the beach. A convenient suggestion is to use a moisturizer or foundation with a built-in sunscreen every day.

2. Use a mild cleanser as opposed to soap, which can strip your skin of the essential oils it needs.

3. Though you may not be as thirsty as during the summer, continue to drink lots of water to provide the necessary hydration to your skin.

4. Layer your clothing when going out in frigid temperatures. Cold weather dries your skin out faster than when it's warm.

5. Use a heavier moisturizer like Shea Butter on your hands, feet, knees and elbows

6. Be prepared for extra skin care by carry moisturizing cream with you when you are out.

7. Avoid skin care products that contain ingredients that dry out your skin. Such ingredients to avoid would be fragrance oil, alcohol and other harsh un-natural ingredients.

8. If your moisturizer doesn't contain sunscreen, apply a sunscreen with an SPF of 15 at minimum. I normally recommend SPF30 or higher but since you are less likely to spend an extended amount of time outdoors, SPF15 is sufficient.

9. Wear gloves outdoors to protect your skin from the extreme cold. Apply a bit of hand lotion on your hands before you tuck your hands into gloves or mittens.

10. Keep your feet hydrated by slathering on a thick foot crème at night and wearing socks.

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