Friday, June 26, 2009

Health Fitness Tips Facts- Cardiovascular System Disease Symptoms

Cardiovascular disease is a serious health risk. People need a lot of awareness because this disease takes a lot of time to develop and often a silently develops in body.

Cardiovascular disease is the name given to any disease that affects the heart or blood vessels by restricting the flow of blood. This occurs when a build-up of cells, fat and cholesterol, often referred to as ‘plaque’, clogs the arteries, impeding the free flow of blood. Over time, the blood vessels become blocked, and a heart attack, stroke, artery disease, anything that affects the heart, arteries.

Other organs can be affected when the heart isn't functioning properly:

The lungs, kidneys and the brain

If oxygen isn't being pumped through your blood by the heart, your whole body suffers.

Cardiovascular Disease Symptoms:-

Cardiovascular disease is not one condition.

Rather, it is a name used to describe conditions and diseases that affect the heart ("cardio") and blood vessels ("vascular") throughout the body.

There are more than 60 types of cardiovascular disease ranging from the common (coronary heart disease) to the not-so-common (tetralogy of Fallot). Some cardiovascular conditions are present at birth, while others develop over many years. When talking about symptoms of cardiovascular disease, it is not possible to provide a list, because each condition can have so many different symptoms.

That being said, while cardiovascular disease can occur anywhere in the body, it does tend to occur more frequently in the: Heart, Brain, Legs, Pelvis and Arms.

Cardiovascular Fitness Tips:-

Running - this being the most popular and very good exercise for getting the blood flowing through the body which in turn benefits the heart. Walking or jogging in your neighborhood is a good place to start.

Cardiovascular fitness goes make sure to watch your diet without this all the hard work from running is no good unless your diet is kept in check, make sure you have eaten 30-40 minutes prior to exercising without this you don't want to run the risk of collapsing plus you will not have the energy to keep you going, with running try alternate your exercises with swimming or cycling to break the monotony, other common exercises and a great way to burn your calories.

Cardiovascular Disease Prevention:-

Foods consisting of fish, almonds, green and leafy vegetables, fruits and garlic are very beneficial in decreasing the chances of risk for cardiovascular disease.

Aerobic exercises are very beneficial in this disease. It helps you in maintaining better body weight and also control blood pressure.

Extra intake of salt is very harmful for patients with this disease.

For Heart Patient, Medtronic defibrillator is one of the best ever device that is really very helpful to monitor the consistency of that patient's heart rhythm, implanted in a patient's chest.

It’s sending a 'shock wave' to the patient's heart when the heartbeat falls out of rhythm. Any replacement necessities with this device require additional surgery.

As per Recent reports, the defective nature of this product involve one main component of the overall system, the Sprint Fidelis Defibrillator Leads which used to send the shock wave that jolts the heart back into a steady rhythm.

But, the leads have been removed from the market, as because of Defective Defibrillator Leads can facture which can cause unnecessary shocks to a heart, or they lead can fail to operate at all.

What Can We Do For?

If you have suffered or someone you love has been injured or pain due to a Defective Defibrillator Leads, you have all the privileges, legal rights and options to discuss with concerning it with skilled Medtronic Recall Lawyer immediately that may help you to be compensated for your hardship for more Guidance. The Medtronic Defibrillator Recall also lead can be causes of fracture and injuries and can even be causes of death.

As per today’s health awareness, there are lots of online sources available which will help us to resolve your queries concerning Defibrillator Lead Lawsuit or Defibrillator Lead Recall etc.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Health Tips Facts- Gout Symptoms,Remedies,Treatments,Causes,Pain Relief

What is Gout?

Gout is one of the most painful forms of acute arthritis caused by hyperurecemia which is an elevated level of monosodium urate, or uric acid, in the blood. Due to an inability of the body to purge this excess of uric acid, uric acid crystals could form, usually in the soft tissue of the joints, which could cause the patient great pain. Inflammation, tenderness and intense pain, particularly in the big toe, are all indicators that a patient has gout.

Gout Causes :-

(1) In males aged 30 to 60

(2) In women of menopausal age

(3) Eating food with high levels of purines regularly or without moderation

(4) Consumption of excessive alcohol

(5) In a long-term administration of diuretics ("water pills"), which increase the flow of urine from the body.

(6) Taking medicines that can increase uric acid in the bloodstream, like the vitamin B12

(7) Having a genetic history of gout

(8) In malfunctioning kidneys, wherein kidneys do not excrete enough urate through urine

(9) In overweight individuals

(10) Having high blood pressure

(11) Having injured a joint

(12) In genetic malfunctioning of metabolism which might lead to overproduction of urate and withholding of uric acid in your bloodstreams

Gout Symptoms:-

Gout can occur in stages: from asymptomatic, to acute, inter-critical, and to chronic stage. One can experience the following symptoms, whenever affected by gout:

(1) Stiffness and severe pain of the affected joint

(2) Inflammation and warmth of the affected joint

(3) Redness of the area on the affected joint

(4) Fever

(5) Firm, white lumps under the skin, called tophi.

Gout Alternative Treatment and Medicine Tips:-

(1) Drink water to help your kidneys flush excess uric acid out of your system. A minimum of 12 eight-ounce glasses a day has been suggested.

(2) Keep a close eye on your diet. Since the breakdown of natural chemical compounds called 'purines' into excess uric acid in your bloodstream is at the heart of your gout, it makes sense to try to keep away from purine-rich food. Foods such as poultry, dried legumes, shellfish, red meat, game and offal are all high in purines, so should be avoided.

(3) Eat vegetables and fruits that are high in vitamin C., particularly oranges. Vitamin C. can reduce uric acid levels in your bloodstream.

(4) Some studies have shown that drinking coffee - both decaff and regular - reduces uric acid levels although, exactly how, no one knows.

(5) Blue-red fruits such as cherries, blueberries, strawberries, grapes etc. are also known to be beneficial, especially cherries.

(6) Herbal remedies have been around for thousands of years. Herbs such as; Nettle, Juniper, Hawthorn, Garlic, Devil's Claw.

(7) Gently exercise the affected joint. Exercise helps to strengthen the joint, reduce stiffness and increase flexibility.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Health Care Tips Facts- Bronchitis Treatments, Symptoms, Causes

Bronchitis refers to an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the bronchi and bronchial tube within the chest. It is breathing disorder affecting the expiratory function. Some Infection also occurs in the nose and throat. It’s a disease endemic to cold, damp climates, but may occur anywhere.

Bronchitis Causes:-

The main causes of bronchitis are viral and bacterial pathogens. Viral pathogens include adenoviridae virus, influenza and rhino virus. The adenoviridae virus can also cause pains in the abdomen. Viral pathogens are the main causes of bronchitis. The symptoms caused by these pathogens disappear in a few days time. They therefore do not require treatment. Bacteria caused bronchitis needs to be treated with antibiotics and an expectorant cough syrup.

Pollen, dust, chemicals, smoke, pollutants, and second-hand smoke can also bring on a case of bronchitis. These causes usually trigger rather mild symptoms of bronchitis, though.

Fungi infections can also be one of the causes of bronchitis. Cocciodioides immitis, Blastomyces dermatitidis, Histoplasma capsulatum, Candida albicans, and Candida tropicalis are some of the more common ones. Bronchitis triggered by fungal organisms produces effects that are milder and less serious.

Bronchitis Symptoms:-

General bronchitis symptoms are: cough, wheezing, throat pain, difficulty breathing, chest discomfort and soreness when breathing, fatigue and headache. If these bronchitis symptoms are accompanied by sweating, high fever and nausea, it means that the illness is caused by infection with bacteria. Bronchitis symptoms that might indicate an aggravation of the illness are: severe cough that contains yellowish mucus, spitting blood.

Bronchitis can be either acute or chronic.

Acute bronchitis symptoms can be very intense, but they usually ameliorate in a few days. Acute bronchitis symptoms include coughing, wheezing, chest pains, fever, fatigue and headache.

Chronic bronchitis symptoms are usually of moderate intensity, but they are persistent and have a recidivating character. Chronic bronchitis is an infectious disease and needs specific, long-term medical treatment. chronic character of the illness are: persistent cough, cough that produces mucus, mild or moderate fever, shortness of breath, pronounced difficulty breathing (due to obstruction of the respiratory tract with mucus), recidivating chest pain, nausea and headache.

Bronchitis Treatment:-

Antibiotics only if bacterial infection


Cough suppressants

Homeopathy treatment conditions and remedies:-

(1) Dry, stabbing, painful cough, headache, great thirst, Bryonia 30C

(2) Tight, dry, tickling cough, pale look, anxious, wants reassured, frequent water, Phosphorus.

(3) Sudden attack with dry, staccato cough, fever, worse cold dry air, chilly, restless, anxious, Aconite.

(4) In the elderly a rattling in the chest and too weak to cough up, Antimonium tart

(5) Sudden onset, high temperature, pounding headache, flushed face, worse night, Belladonna

(6) Nausea, vomiting, suffocating feeling in chest, Ipecac.

(7) String Phlegm, difficulty coughing up, worse 4-5AM Kali Bichrom.

(8) Gasping for air, cold and clammy, wants to be fanned, elderly Carbo veg.

(9) Coughing cause’s involuntary passing of urine, Causticum

(10) Choking, chilly, irritable, cough, worse uncovering, Hepar sulph

Monday, June 22, 2009

Health Care Tips - Reye's syndrome Symptoms, Treatment, causes

What is Reye's syndrome?

Reye's syndrome is a very rare disorder that damages many parts of the body, especially the brain and the liver. For unknown reasons, the parts of the cells that make energy (mitochondria) stop working correctly, causing severe illness. The most serious problems are swelling of the brain and problems with the breakdown of fat, which causes it to build up in the liver and other organs. The illness can be fatal, especially if not detected early and treated appropriately.

Although Reye's syndrome can occur at any age, it most often affects children between the ages of 3 and 12.

Reye's syndrome typically occurs several days after recovering from a viral infection, such as the flu, common cold or chickenpox. It also can develop while the child is still sick; a few days after the viral illness began. While the exact cause of Reye's syndrome is not known, researchers believe that it sometimes is caused by an abnormal response to aspirin or related products taken during a viral illness. For this reason, never give aspirin to children with fever or a flu-like illness.

Reye's syndrome Symptoms :-

Frequent vomiting (every couple of hours over a day or two) that does not stop even when not eating or drinking

(1) Extreme sleepiness (lethargy)

(2) Confusion

(3) Irritability and combativeness

(4) Rapid breathing (hyperventilation)

(5) Loss of Consciousness

(6) Seizures

In infants, the symptoms of Reye's syndrome may not follow this typical pattern. For example, infants with Reye's syndrome do not always vomit.

Reye's syndrome Prevention :-

Although a clear link between aspirin and Reye's syndrome has not yet been proven, experts agree that to prevent Reye's syndrome, the safest approach is never to give aspirin or aspirin-containing medicines to children. Read labels carefully. Look for the word aspirin and other words that also mean aspirin: acetylsalicylate, acetylsalicylic acid, salicylic acid and salicylate. When necessary, non-aspirin medicines, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol), should be used instead.

Reye's syndrome Treatment :-

Treatment depends on the symptoms, but all patients with Reye's syndrome need to be treated in a hospital and monitored closely. Treatment focuses on protecting the brain against irreversible damage by preventing or reducing brain swelling.

Specific treatments may include:

Giving fluids containing sugar and salts intravenously (into a vein)

Medications (for example, to decrease brain swelling or treat problems caused by liver failure)

Intubation (inserting a tube that helps with breathing) to protect the lungs and also reduce brain swelling

Patients with more serious disease typically are treated in an intensive care unit.

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