Monday, December 27, 2010

Boost Your Low Testosterone Levels – Helpful Methods Treatments Tips

Testosterone is one type of hormone which gives male characteristics and aggressive behavior to men.

We all already know and its really very common that “All hormones have balanced levels. If one of from those decrease or increase due to any reason, it will affect badly to our body” and this one is also same for Testosterone Levels,

If level decrease then man will suffer from lot of physical and behavioral changes (complex physiologic, chemical and hormonal changes) in his body like the loss of overall energy, strength and stamina etc.

He will feel stressed and tensed without a proper reason.

Anxiety and panic attacks also occur.

Becomes irritated and hassled at the slightest pretext.

Now let’s discuss about some methods, natural cures which are really helpful to Balanced or maintain Balanced Testosterone Hormone Levels.

(1) At very first, Enough Sleep and Adequate Rest both things are essential for Low Testosterone Cures.

(2) Healthy Active Lifestyle: - It will play main role to ensure optimum testosterone production in body. Key factors are Regular and intense workouts, adequate diet and reduced stress became helpful to Boost Low Testosterone Levels.

(3) Natural Testosterone Supplements can also be a big help as they included ingredients like tribulus terrestris, long jack, l-arginine, panax ginseng, ginkgo biloba

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hair Loss Cures Treatment News - Stem Cell cure for Bald Pates

Berlin Technical University Researchers in Germany have grown the worlds first artificial hair follicles from stem cells which were created from animal cells and were somewhat thinner than normal, but the teams were optimistic they could grow human hairs from stem cells within a year.

As per Roland Lauster Interviews, said that, within five years millions of could grow new hair from their own stem cells and have it implanted in their hair-loss sufferersbald spots.

Stem cells are the body's master cells. When manipulated in a lab they can be grown into any tissue in the human body from blood to bone and even whole organs.

Current treatments for baldness include hair plugs where stronger hair follicles from the side and back of the head are transplanted to the bald spots.

However, the treatment takes five to 10 hours and would need to be performed repeatedly to create a natural appearance.

He said that, "Since 1950 the number of new chemicals used in cosmetics has risen 500-fold, and so has the need for animals to be experimented upon to ensure they are safe for humans. This could well do away with the need for them to suffer."

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Acupuncture and Pregnancy

With help of licensed Acupuncturist who has had at least training on acupuncture points for pregnancy, pregnant women can receive numerous benefits.

It cannot only decrease uncomfortable pain such as the back but can aide in relieving nausea, anxiety, migraines and more during pregnancy.

Licensed practitioner know which points to use and which ones to avoid on a pregnant woman. While in labor it has been greatly recommended to use acupuncture instead of medications for labor and delivery pain.

Zusanli point is located four fingers above the kneecap and outer edge of the tibia which is used to strengthen the body, promote qi and ease stomach pain and more.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Health Insurance Plans – Best Cheap Selection for you

Now a day, Its really very difficult to look forward for a very efficient but cheap health insurance plan.

There are many types of plans are available like Network Plans, HSAs and Catastrophic Health Insurance Approach, Indemnity Plan, Catastrophic, Guaranteed Issued.

(1) For quite determined in finding a cheap health insurance rate, then you might find a Health Maintenance Organization plan very attractive. You will be asked to name your own primary care physician or "gate-keeper." On every occasion that you will visit your doctor, you will be tasked to fill up and complete a PCP's referral. The health insurance rates in HMOs are much cheaper and affordable than the conventional health insurance plans.

(2) For HSAs and Catastrophic Health Insurance Approach, will be required deliver a pre-tax to the account that is mainly allotted for you.

(3) For Indemnity Plan which is considered as a cheap health insurance with a significantly high deductible insurance plan is not like any other traditional plan, it can pretty much assure anyone instant benefits for whatever type of pressing event. Whenever you lodge a money claim intended for a valid emergency cause, pre-determined money is paid to you.

A catastrophic policy is designed to protect you from major losses, have a larger deductible than your standard major medical policy ($10,000 or more) to keep monthly premium payments to a minimum.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Acne Marks Home Remedies – Natural ways to treat it easily

Many people, especially girls face a lot of problems about Acne Treatments and Marks. This problem can even cause a change in the behavior, and even they start showing some conscious about it.

The worst dream is when you have to go for a big party the next day and you see a big Acne mark on your face. The things that should be done in such a situation are as follows.

Sanitizing your skin with a mild soap will also help you to large extent. Make sure the soap you use has no harsh chemicals.

But, if you want a quick recovery then you may use toothpaste apply on the dark areas overnight lightly. It will reduce the redness on it.

If you are using the home acne treatment from a long time and you see there is no improvement in the marks, then you should consult a dermatologist.

Many people go for Acne treatment but some get the treatment early and some not, so you need to have patience.

There is tendency of the Acne marks at times that they get even worse after a hectic schedule or after playing sports which cause sweating. Then you must not get tensed it happens due to body heat.

(1) Keeping chromium contents in your diets will ensure the acne to decrease. Chromium is good diet decrease nutrition.

(2) You should also wash your pillow cover every alternate day. Pillow absorbs the oil from the skin, and it reapplies, on your face which makes all the things meaningless. It is best natural acne treatment.

(3) Inclusion of beta carotene in your diet is a good sign for decreasing spots. That is consumption of carrots.

(4) Your spots will decrease if you apply a honey mask on your face. You can repeat this procedure once or twice in a week. Honey is also very temperate on delicate skin.

(5) Another way to cure spots is you wash your face with an acne soap specially designed for acne. You must wash the face twice a day. That is one in morning and one in evening.

(6) Keeping your hair away from your face will help your spots to get rid earlier, as hair contains oils.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Dry Skin Therapy Remedies

The only problem most people have is finding a moisturizer they can trust. With so many low quality products out there I really can't blame them.

However, by the time you finish reading this article you won’t be one of those people. You'll know exactly what you need to do to keep your skin moisturized at all times.

Here's what I'm going to share with you today:

1. The most common causes of dry skin and what you can do to protect you skin
2. The things you need to avoid to keep your skin moisturized
3. The top ingredients your moisturizer should contain if you want to get and keep smoother and healthier looking skin

Let’s get started...

The most common causes of dry skin are not the skincare products we use but the environmental conditions that we live in. For example if you spend long hours in an air conditioned room your skin is likely to get very dry. In fact an form of cold weather will dry your skin.

To prevent air conditions from drying your skin, try using a humidifier indoors.
Other things that dry your skin are very hot showers or baths, steam rooms and moisturizers that contain harsh ingredients like fragrance and mineral oil.

The best type of ingredients to need in a moisturizer are natural oils. These blend very well with oils in our skin therefore giving a non clogging deep moisturizing effect.

My favorite natural skin moisturizing oils are:

1. Avocado oil
2. Olive oil
3. Grape seed oil

Dry Skin Therapy Remedies

The only problem most people have is finding a moisturizer they can trust. With so many low quality products out there I really can't blame them.

However, by the time you finish reading this article you won’t be one of those people. You'll know exactly what you need to do to keep your skin moisturized at all times. Here's what I'm going to share with you today:

1. The most common causes of dry skin and what you can do to protect you skin

2. The things you need to avoid to keep your skin moisturized

3. The top ingredients your moisturizer should contain if you want to get and keep smoother and healthier looking skin Let’s get started.

The most common causes of dry skin are not the skincare products we use but the environmental conditions that we live in. For example if you spend long hours in an air conditioned room your skin is likely to get very dry.

In fact an form of cold weather will dry your skin.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Healthy Lifestyle Tips

A healthy body is very important for any individual. If you want to achieve one, try reading this article. It provides three helpful tips for a healthy body:

1. Exercise regularly - When you do regular exercises, it actually helps your body be in good shape. You can do different kinds of exercises a day. You can walk before or after work. You can also walk with your dog at the park.

If you are a family person, you can exercise by playing with your kids outside. Outdoor activities are great and helpful ways to have a healthy body.

You can play any sports or do yoga and meditation. This can relax your minds and bodies that will help you feel calmer and better. Exercises can actually burn your fats, thus building more muscles on your body. Because of that, it will make you achieve a healthy body.

2. Eat healthy foods -

It is also necessary that you eat healthy foods. Anybody, especially your health care practitioners will tell you that you have to provide your physical body quality and healthy foods to make your body function properly.

Eat healthy foods that are chemical-free and are rich in vitamin and minerals. You should eat foods that are very nutritious for you to achieve a healthy body. You can also take some herbal and vitamin supplements that will further help you in supporting you in your good and vital health.

3. Stop your vices - Vices are considered as major health distractions. In order to achieve a healthy body, stop your vices as early as possible. If you heavily smoke, learn to quit smoking, or if you are not a smoker, do not even dare to start it. Smoking can cause so many different kinds of disease complications in the body.

This is an unhealthy habit that people should avoid or quit it. Severe drinking of alcoholic beverages can also be one of the disruptive vices that can cause severe damage to your health. If you are a heavy drinker, learn to stop or minimize it. Do not over-pollute your body with so many unsafe and hazardous chemicals. Learn to stop your vices.

It is sometimes very difficult to achieve a healthy body, but it is not impossible. You can always follow these three helpful tips and live a healthier life every single day!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Wart Removing Tips - Things You Need to Know

A wart is a skin condition that is caused by a viral infection and usually sprouts up in the shape of a tiny cauliflower on various parts of the body. If you too have been afflicted by this embarrassing and sometimes painful condition and want help on how to remove a wart then you can try out several routes.

For small warts that have sprung up on your face, arms or legs or even your genitals you can try natural remedies that use common household ingredients. For example, you can try applying lime juice on your wart or warts with a cotton ball or can even try apple cider vinegar.

After a few applications you will notice definite shrinkage in your warts and over time they will quietly vanish. You can also try ready-made products that use natural ingredients such as aloe vera or tea tree oil. You will need a little patience while using natural products although if the ingredients are effective on your warts then you might notice a definite improvement in your condition within a few weeks, and that too without the risk of any harmful side-effects.

You can also use over-the-counter creams that use salicylic acid or hydrogen peroxide as ingredients. However, if you have sensitive skin then such products might not be suitable. If you are not very squeamish with how to remove a wart then you can visit a dermatologist that can literally freeze the warts to remove them from your body.

This treatment is known as cryo-therapy and involves blasting each wart with nitrogen gas to freeze it to a dry death. Over a period of 3 to 4 sessions your warts will begin to dry out and fall away in the form of scabs. This treatment does involve a little pain although the results can be satisfying.

Another option on how to remove a wart is laser therapy. In case your warts are not very large in size or do not recede too deep into your skin then laser therapy is a high-tech and costly option that can ensure almost scar-free recovery. You might require around 3 sessions of laser therapy to burn off one layer of your warts at a time. However, laser therapy will not help much if the warts have embedded themselves deep into your skin since they might only reappear after a short time.

For large warts that have established permanent residence in your body, surgery might be the only option. A skillful surgeon will anesthetize the wart and surrounding tissue before plucking it out complete with its stubborn roots.

While there might not be any pain during the procedure itself, there are chances that you might need stitches if the wart size was huge and you might also be left with an ugly scar in future. You should explore the option of surgery only after you have tried other methods or in case your wart starts to grow at an alarming speed.

Warts are not only ugly indentations on your skin but could also spread quickly to other regions of your body if you do not remove them in time.

You should explore all available methods on how to remove a wart starting with natural ones that do not burden your body with harmful side effects. A visit to a trusted dermatologist and maintaining excellent levels of hygiene will ensure that these ugly and unwanted visitors do not enter your body ever again.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Acne Facial Treatment – which is good for you?

An acne facial treatment is a necessity to fight against elements that clog the pores of your skin, the leading to development of severe or mild forms of acne.

Substances that clog the pores of your skin can cause whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, or cysts. It is usually the neck or the shoulder where acne treatment is needed on common problems.

However, areas such as the chest, shoulders, back and upper arms are in no way exempt from these problems. The treatment may be required in these areas as well.

Acne is a problem that affects teenagers and a considerable amount of adults as well. The development of acne is not specific to any age group or gender. However, it affects millions of people across the world.

The biggest problem addressed by treatment is the unpleasant look of pimples and scars that acne may leave behind. It must be mentioned that the confidence of a person affected by the problem will also take a beating.

People could try using an acne cream or acne facial to control the problem they have on their faces. However, the best thing that will work for them is an acne treatment.

When you pay a visit to the local salon, you will find that there are a number of treatments available to get your face done.

Don't wear thick clothing or fabric.

As much as possible, go for clothes that are light and whose fabric is soft and gentle. This lessens the possibility of excessive sweating. Some of the fabric materials that you should opt to wear are cotton, wool, linen and silk. These are all natural fiber materials. Clothes made of artificial fiber materials are a no-no as well. You should also avoid wearing tight clothing especially in hot, sunny days.

Don't forget to try Mike Ramsey's Stop Sweating & Start Living e-book.

Although those two tips mentioned above do work, they are only temporary solutions. You can't avoid wearing dark and thick clothes all the time. How will you enjoy other stuff if you are limited to certain types of clothes?

What you need is a permanent solution.

There are many products or e-books that claim to have the permanent or real fix to over sweating but only seem to disappoint the consumers. The Stop Sweating & Start Living e-book created by Mike Ramsey, who is also a long-time sufferer of hyperhidrosis, is nothing like those ineffective products or treatments.

However, it is important that you choose the right acne facial treatment as it will solve the problems you are facing with acne. When you ask for treatment, you will first be offered a basic cleanup of the skin. You will find this extremely refreshing because it cleans exfoliates and moisturizes your facial skin through a process of gentle facial steaming the blackheads and whiteheads that plug the pores of your skin will be removed. A basic cleanup is recommended for every person, especially below the age of 25 years.

Another treatment, which can be tried, is a special facial, which is useful for people with sensitive skin. In this case, special facial moisturizers of the skin are applied so that the blackheads and whiteheads can be treated well.

Some people may feel acne facial treatment is of no use to them. However, the value of such treatments can only be ascertained after a clean and spotless skin is seen.

People may also feel that such treatments are a waste of money. They will only realize the difference after they have gone through one of the processes. It is not easy to convince people who have been facing this problem for a number of years that this treatment is perhaps the best available for them. It is however a fact that the treatment does provide enough relief to any person who decides to take it.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Excessive Sweating Prevention Cures Remedies

We sweat because we need to excrete those unnecessary fluids out of our body just the same when we are urinating or getting the mucus out of our noses.

However, there are folks who are sweating too much, quite more than the normal amount a person should perspire. This condition is called hyperhidrosis or more commonly known as over sweating. This health issue isn't really that life-threatening but it has the potential to ruin someone's life as it hinders the person to normally do the things s/he's supposed to do.

Good thing there are many sure ways to prevent excessive sweating that you can try. Here are three great examples for you to know:

Don't wear dark clothes

One of the effective tips to stop sweating profusely is to avoid sporting clothes or garments that are dark in color especially during the day or during summer season. Dark clothes, which may be pure black, dark green, dark brown and others, tend to absorb more heat than white or light-colored ones. If you are already suffering from hyperhidrosis, the last thing you need to do is trigger the sweat glands of your body.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Best Acne Treatment – Healthy Foods is cheaper way

Who ever heard of a drug company doing research into the effect of eating healthy foods?

Similarly, you will not find many dermatologists prescribing healthy foods as the best acne treatment. In fact, in their training, they were told food does not cause acne and they are under pressure from the drug companies to prescribe their products.

Maybe foods do not cause acne, otherwise we would all have acne outbreaks when we ate certain foods, but if you are predisposed to acne, some foods can aggravate it. There has been enough scientific research in recent years to support this. The causes of acne can be quite complex and there is no one simple cure, but eating some foods and avoiding others could still be the best acne treatment for you.

Food is Cheaper than Pharmaceuticals

It is cheaper to buy good food than it is to continue to buy the lotions, gels and creams prescribed by some health professionals. Food is part of our normal spending - we have to eat - so we are shopping for food on a regular basis.

All we have to do is change some of our purchasing habits. It does not cost any more to buy healthy foods. On the other hand, over the counter acne treatment and prescription drugs are an additional expense. In fact, quite often they are an unnecessary expense.

Acne Treatments Can Become a Habit

Buying and eating food is not a habit we can acquire because we already have it and, of course, we need it. Using over the counter and prescription acne treatments does become a habit because they are designed to treat the symptoms not to cure the cause.

This means you have to keep going back for more of the treatment to try to relieve the symptoms, which will keep returning. This is exactly what the drug companies want and expect - regular, repeat sales.

That is why they are so wealthy. This does not appear to be the best treatment for acne, but the best treatment for the drug companies.

It is a Simple Solution

The foods that can aggravate your acne are refined carbohydrates - things like white flour, white rice, white sugar and foods that contain these. These foods increase you blood sugar level, which causes an insulin surge that creates more hormones, which in turn makes more sebum (oil) and eventually, sets up an acne environment.

That is why it is a simple solution. All you have to do is to change your buying habits to replace white bread with brown or wholegrain; reduce the amount of sugary drinks you buy or the amount you put in your coffee; concentrate more on fresh fruit and vegetables; reduce the amount of fast food and take away.

In other words, make your body healthier so it can deal with your acne in its own way - to cure itself the way Nature intended. In the end this could be the best acne treatment.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Genital Warts Home Remedies Cures Treatments

Genital warts are caused due to HPV which may be transmitted from one individual to another during activity. There are a number of ways one can treat genital warts. However; it may be embarrassing for one to approach a doctor for the treatment of genital warts and in such a case they can opt for home remedies. There are a number of home remedies one can try out.

One can apply vitamin E oil on the infected area and apply crushed raw garlic. This treatment can be carried out for a week after which the warts usually fall off. Another home remedy for the treatment of these warts includes applying the juice of an onion and leaving it over night. This treatment can be continued till the warts disappear.

Applying the juice of the milky stem of a fig plant two to three times a day can also help. Apple cider vinegar can also be applied to the infected area using cotton. This is an effective method for the treatment of these warts.

During the treatment period one should follow a diet which is rich in folic acid and beta carotene and this helps to cure the infection. One should eat fruits like fruits and vegetables like radish, mango, squash, and tomatoes which are orange, yellow and red in colour. Dark green and leafy vegetables like spinach, cabbage are also recommended.

During the treatment procedure; one should avoid smoking and taking oral contraceptives. Using condoms can prevent the transmission to some extent but it is not a 100 percent safe. One infected with these warts should ideally stay away from any activities till completely cured.

One can also use tea tree oil to treat genital warts. Applying a few drops of this oil and compressing it with a tape can help if continued for a few weeks.

One can also use Aloe Vera juice; Castor oil and Thuja oil are among these remedies. Treatment of these warts is possible with the use of natural medications such as Wartrol. If taken proper care it is quite easy to get rid of genital warts.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

How to Grow Taller Tips Ways

1. Healthy Living

Have a healthy and balanced diet that includes calcium, magnesium, protein and vitamins.

Exercise regularly particularly exercises that lengthen the muscle such as swimming and cycling.
Get enough hours of sleep, at least 8.

Say no to smoke and stay away from people who smoke.

Say no to drinking alcohol.

2. Exercises to Increase Height

You can find many types of exercises particularly stretching exercises to grow taller. These are particularly developed to lengthen the body.

3. Let Shoes do the Trick

If you want instant fix, then do the shoe-trick. You may wear designed to increase height also known as elevating shoes. Elevating shoes these days are innovative so people will hardly notice you are wearing a pair of these kinds of shoes. You will instantly add 4 inches by putting them on.

4. Human Growth Hormones

As the term suggest, these are hormones to stimulate growth. There are HGH products that can be taken orally like pills, spray or powders. However, you might not want to spend money on these products since once HGH made its way to the stomach they will already be broken down so they won't enter the bloodstream. There are HGH injections but they should be prescribed by doctors since it is risky as it might lead to complications.

5. Pilates

You can find Pilates moves that can increase height. Pilates improves one's posture and thus anyone who does Pilates will stand taller. With Pilates your body extends, stretch, lengthen and strengthen. It can help you grow to your maximum body height.

6. Yoga

Doing yoga is another way to increase height. Yoga originated from India and is popularly known to enhance physical and spiritual well-being. It has established its reputation to help people stay fit.

Yoga is said not to have any effect while someone is in his or her growth phase. What yoga does is it stretches and elongates your spine resulting to the creation of space and developing your spinal muscles. Yoga makes you hold yourself up more properly thus making you look taller.

7. Height Increase Surgery

It is a set of procedure that places rod on the limbs to allow growth. This way of increasing height is painful and very expensive although results can give you as much as 12 inches increase in height. Recuperation will be extensive and long. You may also be in a risk.

But with the guaranteed results many who desperately want to grow taller would undergo the surgery.

8. Supplements

There many height increasing supplements available but most are not effective. If you want guaranteed results, you should choose Growth Flex-V PRO System. It is 100 percent natural and it is proven to stimulate increase in the production of Human Growth Hormone levels.

Along with a healthy lifestyle, you can use Growth-FlexV® PRO System for faster and better results. Grow taller exercises, balanced diet, adequate sleep and Growth-FlexV® PRO System are all you need to increase your height.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How to get Over Eating Disorder Healthy Tips Ides

Food is fuel for the human body, and we eat it to get ourselves through the day.

We also gather around the dinner table to celebrate special events and spend time with our loved ones.

In times of grief, it's common to offer food to the bereaved. Is it any wonder that food and emotions are so connected?

Unfortunately, some people feel compelled to eat far past the point of satiety. This is done in an attempt to calm volatile emotions or to fill an emotional void.

The National Institute of Health estimates that 3% of Americans (over 9 million people) suffer from compulsive overeating, also known as Binge Eating Disorder.

This disease can lead to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and feelings of intense guilt and shame.

Emotional eaters tend to be guided by their emotions rather than their hunger. Some eat when they are sad, lonely, or bored. Others eat when they are stressed out.

Most are simply carrying on behaviors learned in childhood, when food was associated with comfort and reward. Emotional eating has little to do with actual hunger, and everything to do with unfulfilled needs.

If you think you or someone you love might be struggling with compulsive emotional eating, follow these steps to start the recovery process.

Recognize the signs of emotional eating.

Emotional eaters tend to eat until they are uncomfortably full, and they usually eat alone because they are self-conscious about the amount of food they are consuming. After an emotional eating binge, they might feel disgusted, guilty, or depressed about their lack of self-control.
Learn to identify your triggers.

Every emotional eating episode has a trigger. Think back to a time when you engaged in compulsive eating. Was it a reaction to a particularly stressful day? Were you consoling yourself with food to overcome loneliness or boredom? Were you relieved that a stressful period in your life had finally come to an end? All of these situations can lead to an emotional eating binge.

Discover your true needs

It's not always an easy process, but if you want to overcome emotional eating, you must learn to recognize and ask for what you truly need. Do you need food, or do you need affection? Do you need food, or do you need to feel appreciated? When your true needs are fulfilled, the compulsion to eat will go away.

Keep a food journal

A food journal is an excellent way to keep track of your food intake. You can also use it to track your feelings and emotional eating triggers. This will help you identify the thought processes leading up to a binge. Once you can identify these thoughts, you can take steps to change them and head off the next binge before it occurs.

Replace food with other rewards.

Learn to reward yourself with treats other than food. If you need to feel pampered after meeting a stressful deadline, celebrate with a massage or a luxurious bubble bath. If you want to celebrate after losing ten pounds, buy yourself a new outfit or something related to a favorite hobby.

Too many of us turn automatically to food as a reward, forgetting that there are many healthier ways to splurge!

Talk to someone who understands.

Millions of people struggle with emotional eating, and you do not need to go through recovery alone. Sometimes it helps to hear from others who have beaten the disorder, and others who face the same challenges as you.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Heartburn Symptoms Treatments Home Natural Remedies Cures

Heartburn is a common feeling of warmth or burning in the chest. This disease is not related with heart. The condition of heartburn arises when acid starts returning towards the alimentary canal, and here acid produces burn.

After taking food this acid enters the stomach through alimentary canal. Experts suggest that those who suffer from heart burn for 2-3 times or greater in a week, may also suffer from acid reflux disease. This problem first starts from the upper-side of the stomach, and moves towards the chest.

Stomach acid is so strong it helps in digesting the food. For protecting the stomach it is covered with mucous layer. The chest pain may result in acid reflux, this may further result in heart diseases.

In other words this disease is also called indigestion. When someone suffers from heart burn along with chest-pain, it causes heart related diseases. The burn reddens the affected area which troubles the patient.

What causes Heartburn?

Heartburn is caused by a weak digestive system. Heartburn makes swallowing difficult and the swelling in the throat creates burping. This type of pain obliterates by itself within 3-4 hours or more. Dyspepsia is a medical term, which informs about the burn in stomach and chest. This mainly causes after taking food.

Some other reasons of heart burn:

- overweight people get pressure on their stomach which causes this disease,
- wearing tight fitting clothes,
- smoking,
- some other medicines,
- Usage of onion, garlic, and much spice in food,
- stress.

The people who suffer from heartburn everyday are prone to get diseases like acid reflux. The basic problem caused by heart burn is pain in stomach while taking food. The patient may also feel the teeth problems, and also feel sometime that something is there in throat. If the pain starts in breastbone, this produces heart related problems, swelling in stomach and ulcer. If the blood is found in vomit, this means there is bleeding taking place in small intestine or alimentary canal. Neglecting this may cause many problems.

Heartburn mainly affect youth more than children. The pregnant ladies also get affected by this disease, it is caused from the pressure applied by baby from inside. Spicy food also produce this type of problems.

For getting unaffected by heartburn:

- take food less than hunger,
- do not take rest within 2-3 hours after taking food,
- after dinner do not take sleep immediately,
- do not wear tight fitting clothes,
- take less food and do not eat fast,
- take a proper way for controlling weight,
- do not smoke or take alcohol,
- take aloe era juice before taking food,
- chew clove after taking food,
- chew leaf of basil,
- use ginger in food,
- take anise after taking food.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Hair Care Tips for Healthy Hair during Vacation Enjoyment

Sea water

Sea water is filled with salt and minerals, which is very good for our face and skin, but very harmful for our hair.

Sea water makes hair look dull because salt crystals damage hair scales and they start bristle up. Salt draws out moisture from hair, dries hair out and makes it fragile, messes it up. To avoid it apply protection cosmetics from sun lines for hair.

Apply it very generously so that it will be enough to cover every hair. Gels and oils cover hair, sleek hair scales, prevent salt from getting inside. Many of such protection cosmetics have sparkles that provide your hair with healthy glow.

In the evening, after swimming do a moisturizing procedure for hair.

It will be especially good for dry hair. Mix your daytime protecting product with hair mask and apply to dry hair, then wear a shower hat. Wait for 2-3 minutes, then shampoo your hair and apply the mixture again on wet hair. Wait for 5-10 minutes. You will be pleased by the result.


Water in pools usually does not contain salt, but it contains something even worse - chlorine. During your vacation chlorinated water will reduce to zero your colorist's hard work.

Light color hair will become greenish, maroon - reddish-vinous.

To protect your hair from chlorine use same protection hair products from sun lines, be sure that the product has 'anti-chlorine' note on it.

You can also use rubber hat to protect hair from chlorine. When you are back from pool rinse your hair with warm water and shampoo it with product from hair sun line. Such shampoos contain anti-chlorine components and also wash away sand and salt good. If your blond hair became greenish use this simple tip - apply a mixture of cleansing face mask with kaolin (white clay) and wash it away in 15 minutes, then generously apply hair conditioner. Your blond will be as good as new.

Tap water

Water that run from taps in Asian and African countries is far from European Standarts. Especially water is bad in Turkey, India and Egypt. Tap water there is hard, contains a lot of lime and not properly cleaned. It is dangerous not only for drinking but also for cleaning face and brushing teeth.

Of course no one will bring their own water to vacation, but i highly recommend to buy water from local shops or get it from hotel restaurants and use it for cleaning face, brushing teeth and rinsing hair.


It is common knowledge that hair fade in the sun. It happens because ultraviolet breaks proteins and lipids structure, damages hair pigments.

Do not go out without a hat. It will be even better to additionally apply sun protection product on hair and refresh it before each swim. Some of sun protection products protect your hair not only from sun but also from chlorine and salt.


Dry air increases evaporation from face, body and of course hair. The situation is getting worse because of conditions at night, which you just cannot say no to because of crazy heat. Hair dryers, poor diet (especially alcohol), sun, salt and chlorine are not helping either. All these factors make our hair ends look lifeless, dull, whitish, change color, split and break.

You can protect hair ends with special creams that you don't need to wash off. Such products will smooth hair scales, protect from water getting inside, moisturize hair. It will be best to apply such product several times a day followed by a sun screen spray, as light creams for hair ends do not contain sun screen. Special night products for hair will help you to protect hair at night.

Products for night moisturize, repair, smooth hair give hair shine and healthy look. If you color your hair and you want to keep the color and hair quality long do not neglect protecting and caring hair products.


If you have your vacation in a country with humid climate, your hair will most probably suffer from curling and loss of volume. What to do? Don't panic. First - take with you products for curly hair, they contain polymers that make curls more elastic and thick.

Second - learn how to do basic simple summer hairdos. For instance, get hair away from the face and fix on back of the head, also you can tease a little bit hair near face and fix them with beautiful hairpin. Try to twist your hair in plaits and fix them on back on head with hairpins. If you have curly hair, make a side parting and make a low bun. Fix one or two fresh flowers in your hair - no one will ever understand you made this hairdo yourself. You can find more simple hair styles on my site in hair-do category.


Loosing hair in 30 degrees heat is the same as putting a wool scarf on your neck. To feel good in heat, learn to do simple summer hairdos like pony tails, buns and twists. You can find more simple hair styles on my site in hairdos category. Before departure, go to hair salon and ask a stylist do a fantasy braid, something interesting and not very easy. Such hairdo can last up to four days and you will be totally comfortable wearing it. Just do not forget sun spray. After you will have to loosen,it go to a local hair salon and try what they can offer you. But no cuts and coloring - you do not want to risk your hair.


Spicy food can increase sebaceous excretions, which is bad news for face, but good news for hair as sun dries hair out. Be careful trying local food because if you get food poisoning it can lead to loss of hair. As well as changing climate, often swimming and sun bathing. If it happened to you, treat your hair when you get home - eat vitamins and use hair repairing products.

If you follow all the recommendations in this post and the one above then you will find yourself with one bag with clothes and one bag full of cosmetics. I recommend to join hands with your girls and split the bottles. Also you can put the products you need in little bottles special for traveling.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Children Diabetes Symptoms Signs

It is a wrenching discovery for any parent that his child is suffering from the signs of diabetes. However it is better to diagnose the problem at your earliest than to miss these signs of diabetes in children. It is not easy to diagnose signs of diabetes in children especially in young children.

An estimate says that every year around 12 thousand people are being diagnosed with diabetes type 1. It is true that taking care of a child is a time consuming process. Even if the parents are vigilant, there are always chances of missing the signs of diabetes in children. It becomes easier to detect the signs of diabetes in children if the parents are well aware of the diabetic symptoms.

What are the signs of diabetes in children?

The answer would be of great help for all those parents who have a family history of diabetes.
Recurrent Urge To Urinate: If you ever feel that your child is feeling an urge to urinate or if all of a sudden he starts bed wetting then the parents must keep in mind that it could be the warning diabetic symptom.

However if this is the only symptom then it is better to look for other illnesses. There could be many reasons for excessive urination like urinary tract infection or inability to completely empty the bladder. However it is better to consult doctor if your child is having a recurrent urge to urinate.

Dramatic Weight Loss: This is another signs of diabetes in children. Some other reasons of dramatic weight loss are cancer or side effects of drugs. If a child drastically loses weight in a short span of time then it is a dangerous sign no matter diabetes is involved or not.

An Insatiable Urge To Drink Water: The children suffering from diabetes, the fluids are extracted from the tissues of the body.

When the sugar builds up in bloodstream it reaches a point where the body of the diabetics sufferer needs to get rid of surplus glucose. The only way to expel surplus glucose is via urine; however the urine cannot be created without water. If there is not enough water in the bloodstream then no other

choice is left behind except for extracting water from nearby tissues. This then makes the body dehydrated. Dehydration then kicks in thirst mechanism.

Excessive Hunger: A person who is suffering from diabetes feels extremely hungry. It seems that he is eating constantly but still he does not put on weight.

The underlying reason is that his body is unable to utilize the food he is eating. The food is only flowing through his whole body.

It is highly unlikely that child is able to detect the diabetic symptoms. It is therefore the duty of the parents to detect the signs of diabetes in children.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Sprinting Techniques Tips – For Vertical Jumping Ability

Many of the jump training programs out there use a multi prong approach to help you gain inches on your vertical leap. Most include some form of weight training, agility work, jumping technique, rest periods, and flexibility.

A common, but often missed, exercise you can use to increase your jumping abilities is sprint training. This writeup will convince you why sprinting is a fabulous exercise, help you get started with a basic sprint training program, and teach you what you can do to get the most from your sprinting.

If done correctly, sprinting can be one of the best all around exercises you can do. It will contribute to lower body fat, more muscle tone, increased drive, and firmer skin with less wrinkles, but it will also increase your vertical jumping abilities.

Sprinting at your maximum output works your super fast twitch muscle fibers. These are the white fibers that are only used by your body when under full exertion. Plyometrics, another popular training tool, usually only works your fast twitch muscle fibers, while general cardio activity works your slow twitch muscle fibers.

Recent studies have shown that in order to increase your body's natural level of Human Growth Hormone (HGH), you have to work your super fast twitch muscle fibers.

If you know anything about HGH, you know that it is an athlete's best friend. The higher your natural levels of HGH, the better your body will be able to perform all athletic maneuvers, including jumping high.

A good sprinting program only needs to be performed once every four days or twice a week at the most. I recommend doing the following every fourth day. Shortly after waking in the morning, head outside and find a road, sidewalk, or grassy area with a mild to moderate incline. Begin by jogging up the hill for a few minutes to warm your legs up.

Using a stopwatch for accuracy, sprint at full output, for a full 30 seconds followed by 90 seconds of rest by walking back down the hill. Do this a total of 8 times. You might only be able to do 3 or 4 times your first time out. That's okay, just slowly work your way up to the full 8 repetitions. Finish your sprint training with a cool down jog of at least three minutes.

To get the best out of your sprinting, you must, must, must be at one hundred percent output for every repetition. Studies have proven that your level of exertion is the secret to having your body make an increase level of HGH.

It might help to use a heart rate monitor to be sure that by the seventh and eighth reps, you are just about reaching your maximum heart rate. (That can be estimated as 220 less your age).

The next essential thing you must do after a sprinting workout is to NOT eat any type of simple carbohydrate. This includes Gatorade, fruit juice, and fruit itself - no sugar whatsoever for at least 2 hours.

Consuming any carbohydrates will halt your body from making HGH by releasing somatostatin - a hormone that signals your pituitary gland to stop making HGH.

Hopefully you realize the importance of HGH in relation to your overall athletic abilities including jumping high. Maximize your bodies release of this important hormone while strengthening your legs and improving foot speed with the above sprint training program. Commit yourself to once every 4 days. It only takes about 20 minutes. You will see great results within 8 weeks.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Cellulite Treatments - Vitamins and Foods for perfect cure

Cellulite can be due to the lack of certain vitamins that are needed in our body. We get these vitamins from foods that we eat. That gets into a conclusion that cellulite is majorly caused by poor diet. When we do not eat enough of the healthy foods but indulge ourselves with junk foods instead, our body will not only get weaker, but cellulite formation will also occur.

We need to always maintain a healthy diet. In case you do not know what the proper foods to avoid cellulite are, here are the vitamins and foods to get rid of cellulite:

Vitamin A

Foods that are high with vitamin A are also good sources of antioxidant. These are needed in removing the toxins and free radicals out of our body.

If we have a balanced intake of vitamin A, there would be no cellulite formation from any areas of our body. Foods like squash, papaya, liver, carrots, cantaloupe, egg yolks, milk and mangoes are just some of the best sources of vitamin A. try to always include these foods into your daily meals.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is very good for the skin, and because cellulite is a skin condition, we need to get more of foods that are high with vitamin C. we can get vitamin C from citrus fruits like lemon, oranges and grapefruit. Other fruits and vegetables are also high with this vitamin.


Protein is very important for the body either fighting against cellulite or not. Without protein, our body will become very weak and there can be lots of diseases that will trigger us. This is what builds the muscles in our body. With enough protein supply, we can have more body mass and less of the body fats. It is actually better than carbohydrates.

We can get protein from foods like fish, eggs, milk, chicken (only the breast), dairy products, beans, nuts, and legumes. The amount of protein to take for each meal will depend on the individual as to how much his body needs. Calculating this first before eating more on protein meals is a must.


Apart from the vitamins and foods to get rid of cellulite, we also need a good antioxidant. We cannot avoid having toxins and free radicals in our body. In order to remove them, we need antioxidants. We can get these from fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber. Specific herbs like gingko biloba and parsley are also good examples of antioxidants.

Vitamin B

This vitamin is responsible in regulating the metabolism as well as keeping our skin healthy. A good amount of vitamin B in our body will also keep us away from having cellulite. Foods like nuts, peas, and whole grains are best sources of B vitamins.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Chiropractic Tips – For Most Out of Chiropractic Care

1. Stay consistent. Life is a process and so is healing. What is going on with your spine right now did not happen overnight. It was a process that built up over time. Do not expect to feel better after your first visit! Stay consistent with your care and follow your treatment plan. After your treatment plan is completed, consider monthly routine checkups! It will keep you healthy and make my job easier!

2. When reading in bed, make sure your spine is flexed from the waist rather than laying flat with a pillow pushing your head forward. Keep your neck supported and your ears directly over your shoulders.

3. When sitting at your desk at work, follow the 90/90 rule. Your elbows and knees should be bent at 90 degrees. Your feet should be planted on the floor directly under the knees, not tucked under your chair. This prevents straining your hamstrings. Make sure that the computer monitor is at or above eye level. If needed place books under the monitor so that you are looking straight ahead or up at the screen. Looking down causes strain on the neck.

4. Gentlemen, if you carry a wallet, put it in your front pocket. Having a wallet in the back pocket puts a constant abnormal straining on the low back, irritating the nerve flow to your reproductive organs, bladder, colon, and going down your legs. I recommend the "Slim Fit" wallet. It holds all of my credit cards, ids, money and even a few business cards. Keep it in your front pocket. Ladies, try not to carry your purse on the same shoulder all the time. Try to lighten your load by removing unnecessary items, things you really do not need to carry around with you all the time.

5. Exercise is a huge component to keeping your endurance, flexibility, and strength.

6. Practice deep breathing. Take a full deep breath and hold it as long as you can. Exhale as much as you can. Repeat this five times. Incorporate this as a habit. Try to do it first thing in the morning and before you go to bed.

7. Keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Ideally, try drinking half your body weight in ounces. Examples, if you weigh 160 pounds, drink at least 80 ounces of water per day.
8. Support your spine while you sleep using a cervical pillow or even a rolled up towel to support your neck and allow your head to drop down even with your shoulders. A traditional pillow pushes your head forward. If you sleep on your back, put a pillow under your legs taking tension off your hamstrings. If you sleep on your side, place a pillow between your knees to keep your hips in balance.

9. Learn to stabilize your spine in as many ways possible. Wear good shoes and sneakers. Try running stores where an associate will recommend a pair of shoes for your specific gait. You do not have to buy from them, but wearing the correct shoes versus the wrong pair can make a huge difference. We also recommend spinal pelvic stabilizers, which are customized for your foot imbalances.

10. When you get your car, sit up straight and adjust your rear view mirror. Next time, you get into the car, leave the mirror alone and make sure you concentrate on your positioning.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Green Tea Benefits - Homemade Skin Care

Discover the many green tea benefits! It comes from the leaves of the Camelia sinensis evergreen type of shrub. This shrub is grown in many countries around the world, like India, Australia, and Indonesia, but the majority of it is grown in China.

Freshly picked leaves are, quickly, steamed, rolled on mats and heated, to prevent oxidization. Oxidization is the process in which tea leaves interact with oxygen, turning them dark in color. The categories of teas are based on their oxidization level. Green tea is unoxidized.

What are the green tea health benefits? It has powerful antioxidants benefits, with antiseptic, anti inflammatory, anti viral and antifungal properties, too. It can be used orally or topically.

Health Benefits of Green Tea:-

Fights Viral, bacterial and fungal infections

Strengthens immune system

Lowers risk of types of cancer

Lowers LDL cholesterol level

Inhibits abnormal function of blood clots

Quenches free radicals

Benefits of Green Tea and Skin Care:-

Lowers risk of having rheumatoid arthritis
Reduces inflammation
Used to treat minor cuts, rashes, spots and blemishes
Used to treat sunburns - found in many sunscreens
Helps provide a youthful appearance
Slows developmental signs of aging
Helps reduce acne

With the exposure to pollution, smoking and excessive sunlight there is an increase of free radicals in the blood. Green tea is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly, epigallocatechin gallate, (EGCG). EGCG is a powerful antioxidant that inhibits the growth and kills cancer cells, without harming healthy tissue.

Green tea helps with a variety of skin care concerns including: wrinkles, psoriasis, rosacea, acne and sunburns. It provides skin with elasticity, inhibits formation of freckles and dark spots and gives skin a more youthful appearance. When it used in topical formulations, such as sunscreens, it reduces sun damage by quenching free radicals and reducing inflammation, rather than just blocking ultraviolet rays. It contains vitamins A and B (2) to help combat acne. It lowers the risk of having Rheumatoid arthritis. It rejuvenates, soothes, tones and protects the skin.

Countries such as, Thailand, India and Japan have used it as a medicine from helping digestion to healing wounds. Its use has risen in the United States, as well. You will find it used within, many, commercial and homemade skin care products including homemade shampoo, deodorants, lotions, soaps and more.

Discover natural, homemade, lotion and a natural, overnight, face cream. These homemade skin care products are all time best sellers! Why? They contain healthful skin care benefits and are soothing, nourishing, moisturizing and conditioning for many different types of skin. Dry itchy skin, scaly skin, flaky skin, oily skin and more all benefit from the use of these natural, homemade, skin care products.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Natural Under Eye Wrinkle Treatment – for your better look

The synthetic chemicals which make up the vast majority of wrinkle serums are made up of molecules which are too large and dense to work in harmony with your skin. This is the reason so many of these products are unable to back up their promises, leaving consumers frustrated and disappointed.

Recent scientific studies, however, have revealed bio-active extracts from Nature contain this necessary similarity. Furthermore, natural extracts also contain powerful nutrients which have been clinically-proven to heal, stimulate and support the healthy function of your skin cells.
But what does this have to do with getting rid of under eye wrinkles?

Well, if you have these troubling signs of aging its because the function of your cells which lie deep below the skin have become damaged. If your cells can't function properly they cannot produce the structural proteins and fatty acids which are necessary to support a smooth, firm tone and texture.

The loss of these substances, better known as collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, has serious implications for the delicate skin in your eye area. Wrinkles, fine lines and bags develop more quickly here, than on any other part of your face.

So this is where the amazing healing properties of natural extracts come in. Because they work so readily with your skin, they are deeply absorbed through the layers of the dermis and into the cells, themselves. Potent nutrients are released, nourishing crippled cells back to life.

Rigorous clinical research has revealed natural proteins, enzymes, vitamins, peptides and plant-based oils extracted from sources such as babbasu, functional keratin, brown algae, Co Enzyme Q10, natural vitamin E, and active Manuka honey are highly effective at improving collagen and elastin production, along with new cell growth.

Consistent treatment with serums containing high concentrations of these healing extracts, shows normal stores of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid are replenished, returning a naturally-strong, healthy condition to the skin.

Once the fabric of the skin has been strengthened, the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles is dramatically reduced and a young, bright appearance is restored.

You look rested and refreshed!

So now that you know about the amazing healing properties contained in natural under eye wrinkle serum, what's stopping you from putting this information to the test right away? The sooner you get started, the sooner you'll see results.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Resveratrol Ultra Reviews – Our Health Awareness is best for us

Resveratrol Ultra Reviews are all over the media these days, with some of the common shows like Oprah highlighting the benefits of resveratrol ultra. An anti-aging healthy supplement has never been the show stopper elsewhere until resveratrol ultra came in.

Resveratrol ultra reviews suggests that it is one such health supplement that has the benefits of red wine, grapes and berries together to give you a healthy and properly functional system. The basic property of his supplement is to enhance youth and vitality, which it does without fail.

Resveratrol is the chief ingredient contained in resveratrol ultra, which is the powerhouse of antioxidants. It helps in combating the signs of aging and also increases life-expectancy.

Resveratrol takes the form of giant knotweed root, grapes and rhizome extracts together to form this healthy supplement. Together they provide about 125mg resveratrol, of which 100mg is pure resveratrol.

According to Resveratrol Ultra Reviews, the other ingredient contained in the product are Sophora extract, which is a Japanese flower bud. 150 mg of Sophora contains 90% rutin, which are a potential flavinoid having anti-inflammatory properties, anti-oxidant and anti-viral properties and anti-allergic and anti-carcinogenic qualities as well.

Studies and Resveratrol ultra reviews have also proved that resveratrol can duplicate the effect of caloric restriction or portion control. This means that it would help in repairing the damaged cells and also prevent further damage. It removes cholesterol from the artier and also rejuvenates skin. However, resveratrol isn’t for pregnant ladies and lactating mothers. This must be followed.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Health Care Tips – Let’s build one Healthy Life together

The more you know about your health, the more involved you can be in taking care of your health and the better overall result it would be to your life and lifestyle. Generally, there are three areas which you can look at where health care is concerned and these are "Keeping Fit", "Health and Nutrition" and "Mental Wellness".

Keeping Fit

Do you keep yourself fit? What is keeping fit? "Fitness" is much thought of as something related to some form of physical activity - mostly the rigorous kind. The standard of "fitness" varies between individual to individual. Some see walking 400 meters around the park as an achievement in itself whilst some would only be satisfied after running 10 kilometers daily. Some consider themselves fit when they are free of disease or other major health problems.
Being fit relates to every aspect of your health, whether it is physical, emotional or mental. They are all interconnected.

You cannot have one without the other to be truly fit. Consider the following aspects of being fit:-

1. When you are fit, you have the stamina and positive outlook to handle all forms of mental and emotional challenges daily.

2. When you are fit, you have a reduced risk of major health problems.

3. When you are fit, you feel and look your very best and you are mentally confident about it.

4. When you are fit, you are at the peak of your physical strength and endurance at the material time.

Health and Nutrition

What is nutrition? It basically means how the food you are taking nourishes your body. Being well nourished depends on you ensuring that your body gets enough nutrients. It is not just plain eating but healthy eating that one should strive for.

In this connection, good nutrition cannot be overemphasized. Healthful feeding aids fitness. Studies have shown that children who were well nourished tend to do better in growth and mental development.

The "danger in eating" which many people fail to realize is that when one eats, one is being satisfied by the senses - the taste, aroma, texture and sight of beautifully cooked and presented food. The focus on the said senses as against the focus on the nutritional value of the food to the body sometimes leave a person having an unbalanced nutrition.

A person may be fond of eating steak but having that for most meals would be a recipe for health problems to occur. What is required is a balanced eating habit and ensuring that the food that you eat contains the main groups of nutrients - carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals and water. Ensure that you are eating right and that your diet is varied.

Mental Wellness

Research has shown that a healthy mind affects the overall health of a person and more so, during treatment of disease and recovery there from. We all need a healthy mind to have a quality life so that we can face up to the challenges of life, keep a positive outlook on things happening around us, seek intellectual stimulation and make creative use of time through work and volunteer services.

Practice good self-care for both your body and mind. Get plenty of rest, eat right and exercise regularly. Have regular medical check-ups and talk to your medical doctor about any anxieties or stress which you might be facing. Do not be afraid to reach out for help. Keep your mind busy with positive learning and interacting with others through appropriate socializing.

Keep and maintain a healthy lifestyle for your health very much affects how well you are living.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Skin Care Tips – for Your Natural Glowing Skin

There are many great natural glowing skin care tips available to help people in their fight against dry skin. Here is several natural skin care tips that will help you avoid or cure dry skin itch.

The cause of dry skin is not lack of oil in your skin but lack of water. Immediately after taking a shower or bath, apply moisturizes to help trap the moisture in your skin.

Other natural skin care tips include using a humidifier in your home and at work, if possible, during the winter months. If your skin is itching, apply cool compresses, which is a simple, natural approach that works well.

Natural Skin Care Tips for dry skin include eating foods that contain essential fatty acids every day. Also, eat snacks that are high fiber such as figs, dates, dried fruit, raw seeds, and raw nuts.

People with dry skin often experience wrinkles and fine lines prematurely, so use moisturizers and bath oils that contain coconut oil.

Use a natural cream moisturizer daily for dry and normal skin. For people with sensitive skin, use a moisturizer without lanolin or perfume for best results.

Shampoos containing harsh chemicals often remove the natural oils on your scalp causing the skin to become irritated and dry. Repeated scratching or rubbing often causes small scratches or wounds, which could become sore or infected.

Natural skin care tips that help prevent this include switching to a natural shampoo that contains no harsh chemicals. Look for a natural shampoo that has tree tea oil.This oil has great anti-inflammatory and anti bacterial properties that help prevent infections and sooth the itch.

After applying warm water or a warm cloth on your face to open the pores, spread honey over your face. Rinse this off after twenty minutes using warm water followed by cooler water.

A honey facial once a week will keep your skin looking younger, feeling great, and the best part is it only costs pennies.

By following some of the many excellent natural skin care tips, your skin will be glowing with health in no time at all.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Weight Loss Diet Tips – to lose Weight Naturally

Eating Healthy is an always a big factor in any diet. The truth of the matter is if you don't eat healthy then you are not going to lose any weight. Eating junk food will only worsen the situation because of the unhealthy fats it has inside of them. Many people who try to diet can't because they are addicted to these fast foods and just can't seem to stop eating them. It's obvious to me that people like this do not take their diet seriously because if they were serious about losing some weight they would stop eating all the harmful junk foods.

Many people try to avoid healthy foods because they have this notion that all healthy foods must taste nasty. These people couldn't be any more incorrect because there are so many tasty foods what are healthy and make you lose weight. In this day and age it is very easy to go online and find some simple chicken salad recipe to make. Another great way to stay in shape is to eat some fruits. Fruits are great for keeping us in shape because it gives us that much needed healthy proteins.

Drinking 8 cups of water a day will leave you feeling much healthier. If you check any weight loss diet you will see that they all include drinking at least 8 cups of water a day because water is vital. If you do not drink water your liver and kidneys will stop working properly.

If the liver stops working properly then you are going to gain more weight because the liver is where you metabolize. If you are drinking a good amount of water a day then your body metabolizes very fast, helping you lose weight very quickly. If you want a fast weight loss diet, always include drinking 8 cups of water a day.

Staying active is a great way to keep your body toned up. You could do simple but very effective things like walking a mile and lose a whole lot of calories in one day. Jogging is another great way to get rid of bad fats because it completely works out your lower body.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Eczema Treatments Cures

(1) Skin applications to cure eczema may give temporary relief. If the exudation is suppressed, some other more serious disease may develop. The best way to deal with eczema is to cleanse the blood stream and the body.

(2) The treatment should start with a fast on orange juice and water from five to days, depending on the severity and duration of the trouble. Juice fasting will help eliminate toxic waste from the body and lead to substantial improvement. In some cases, the condition may worsen in the beginning of the fast due to the increased elimination of waste matter through the skin. But as fasting continues, improvement will manifest itself.

(3) Fruits, salt free, raw or steamed vegetables with whole meal bread or chapattis may be taken after the juice fast. Carrot and musk melon are particularly beneficial. Coconut oil may be used instead of ghee. After a few days, curd and milk may be added to the diet. The patients may thereafter gradually embark upon a well-balanced diet of three basic food groups, namely (i) seeds, nuts and grains (ii) vegetables and (iii) fruits. The large proportion of the diet should consist of raw foods. Seeds and beans such as alfalfa, mung and soyabeans can be sprouted.

(4) This diet may be supplemented with cold-pressed vegetable oils, honey and yeast. Juice fasting may be repeated at intervals of two months or so, depending on the progress being made, in chronic and more difficult cases of eczema, patient should fast at least once a week till he is cured.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Dysentery Causes

The cause of dysentery, according to modern medical system, is germ infection.

The germs, which are supposed to cause dysentery only develop in colon as a result of putrefaction there of excessive quantities of animal protein food, fried substance, over-spices foods and hard to digest fatty substances.

The real cause of dysentery is thus dietary indiscretion and eating of excessive amounts of flesh food in hot weather or tropical climate unsuited to the digestion of such foods.

Other causes include debility, fatigue, chill, lowered vitality, intestinal disorders and overcrowding under insanitary conditions.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Atherosclerosis Causes Risk Factors

Arteriosclerosis is more frequent in men than women, especially in the younger age-group. It has been estimated that 40 per cent of all men over 40 years have a significant degree of obstruction of their coronary arteries and this can lead to heart attack at any time.

Atherosclerosis Risk Factors Causes:-

(1) The most important cause of arteriosclerosis is excessive intake of white sugar, refined foods and high fat diet, rich in cholesterol. A sedentary life and excesses of all kinds are the major contributing causes.

(2) Hardening of the arteries may also be caused by other diseases such as high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, rheumatism, Bright’s disease, malaria, syphilis.

(3) Emotional stress also plays an important part, and heart attacks are more common during the periods of mental and emotional disturbances, particularly in those engaged in sedentary occupations. Heredity also plays its role and this disease runs in families.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Leucorrhoea Cures Treatments

Leucorrhoea Cures,Leucorrhoea Treatments

(1) A total health building scheme is essential for the removal of the systemic toxicity which is primarily responsible for the disease. Such a scheme should consist of correct dietary habits, proper sleep, exercise, fresh air and sunshine.

(2) To begin with, the patient should fast for three or four days on lemon water or fruit juices for the elimination of the morbid matte from the body. During this period the bowel should be cleansed daily with a warm water enema. In case of habitual constipation, steps should be taken for its eradication.

(3) After a short fast, the patient may adopt an all fruit-diet for about a week. In this regimen, she should have three meals a day of fresh juicy fruits such as apples, pears, grapes, grapefruit, oranges, pineapple and peaches. If the patient is suffering from anemia, or is very much underweight, the diet may consist of fruits and milk. The patient may then gradually embark upon a well-balanced diet consisting of three basic food groups namely (i) seeds, nuts and grains, (ii) fruits and (iii) vegetables.

(4) Fresh fruits or fruit juices only should be taken between meals. All forms of white four, white sugar, fried and greasy foods, condiments, preserves, tea and coffee should be avoided.

(5) An effective home remedy for leucorrhoea is lady’s finger. A decoction of this vegetable is prepared by boiling of 100 grams of the fresh capsules, cut transversely, in half a liter of water for 20 minutes and then strained sweetened. This decoction, given in doses of two or three ounces frequently, is highly beneficial in all irritable conditions of genito-urinary organs including leucorrhoea.

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