Monday, December 27, 2010

Boost Your Low Testosterone Levels – Helpful Methods Treatments Tips

Testosterone is one type of hormone which gives male characteristics and aggressive behavior to men.We all already know and its really very common that “All hormones have balanced levels. If one of from those decrease or increase due to any reason, it will affect badly to our body” and this one is also same for Testosterone Levels,If level decrease then man will suffer from lot of physical and behavioral changes (complex physiologic, chemical and hormonal changes) in his body like the loss of overall energy, strength and stamina etc.He will feel stressed and tensed without a proper reason.Anxiety and panic attacks also occur.Becomes irritated and hassled at the slightest pretext.Now let’s discuss...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hair Loss Cures Treatment News - Stem Cell cure for Bald Pates

Berlin Technical University Researchers in Germany have grown the worlds first artificial hair follicles from stem cells which were created from animal cells and were somewhat thinner than normal, but the teams were optimistic they could grow human hairs from stem cells within a year.As per Roland Lauster Interviews, said that, within five years millions of could grow new hair from their own stem cells and have it implanted in their hair-loss sufferersbald spots.Stem cells are the body's master cells. When manipulated in a lab they can be grown into any tissue in the human body from blood to bone and even whole organs.Current treatments for baldness include hair plugs where stronger hair follicles...

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