Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Health Care Tips Facts – Headache Types Causes

A headache is not a disease, but may be indicative of other underlying problems. Although common and generally not serious, headaches are common in about 50-75% of all teens.

Headache Types:-

Idiopathic intracranial hypertension; Ictal headache; Brain freeze; Thunderclap headache; vascular headache; Toxic headache; Coital cephalalgia; Hemicrania continua; Rebound headache; Red wine headache; Spinal headache

Here is a list of things that can cause one of those horribly painful headaches that make you want to end your suffering for good.

1. Staring at a computer screen all day under fluorescent lighting.
2. A Train Horn being honked within 10-15 feet of you.
3. Reading all day.
4. Writing all day.
5. Playing too much video game.
6. Watching too much television.
7. Talking too much on your cell phone or falling asleep on the phone.
8. Temperature changes in the air.
9. Sleeping in room full of dust, mold, rust, or signs of asbestos.
10. Eating too much ice cream.
11. Not eating anything all day.
12. Exposing you to headphones and speakers for a long period of time.
13. Going to a heavy metal concert.
14. Dealing with incessant baby cries.
15. Getting hit in the head hard.
16. Getting hit in the head or body frequently.
17. Suffering from a brain tumor.
18. being cross-eyed.
19. Lack of sleep.
20. Too much caffeine.
21. Sniffing intoxicating gases.
22. Smoking too many cigarettes.
23. Standing on your head for too long.
24. Singing in concert for hours on end.
25. Being exposed to harmful gases and chemicals.
26. Painting for too long of a period with toxic paints.
27. Being trapped in a shopping mall with loud, annoying teenagers.
28. Driving for way too long.
29. Taking prescription medications.
30. Being confined to cell walls.

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