Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sweaty Palms Feet Treatments Cures Tips

Sweaty Palms Cure, Sweaty Feet Cure, Sweaty Hands Cure

Sweaty Feet or Palms is common condition for adolescents, youths and old aged due to certain hereditary factors in our daily routines lifestyle or nervousness and may be excitement.

In Medical Term, main cause of this problem is Palmer Hyperhidrosis. Generally from our childhood period Palmar Hyperhidrosis begins, after that also worsens in old aged also. In our palms or feet, as because sweat production glands triggered by nervousness or emotional feelings, emotionally distressed or nervous person has sure sweaty palms. So at very first, always try to reduce depression level from daily lifestyle will be also helpful to prevent other bad effects or stress for our healthy life.

With the help of lots of short time relaxation techniques like meditation or deep breathing our work time can easily became stress free. If it’s possible then prefer herbal or sage tea regularly to reduce this problem.

To cut down intake of food with iodine content like white onions, asparagus, broccoli, turkey beef to treat this extremely annoying sweaty palms condition. One of the other safest most effective procedure without any type of side effects is Iontophoresis, for that just build your own Iontophoresis device, and as per your own convenience spend 15-20 minutes daily time to follow Iontophoresis routine.

At night, first boiled three to five in a quart of water for 8 to 12 minutes, and then soak hands for 20 to 25 minutes in it or just held tea bags between palms for few minutes because of tea contains tannic acid.

If do not have too much of sweaty syndrome then can try some sort of moisture absorbing substance like talcum, cornstarch or some kind of aluminum based anti-perspirant on your hands at your work place. Always avoids deodorants, oils and moisturizers as well.
Sweating is totally curable for all those persons, who can remain stay, cool in any type situation or no matter whatever happens in life.

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