Friday, April 23, 2010

Venereal Disease Cures Treatments

(1) Fresh juice of the flowers of the drumstick is very useful in the treatment of gonorrhoea. For better results, this juice should be given twice daily with tender coconut water. It acts as a diuretic tonic medicine in this disease.

(2) A decoction of fresh lady’s fingers has also been found useful in treating gonorrhoea. A cupful of mucilage of lady’s finger is mixed with ripe banana and a glassful of buttermilk. The mixture is a very effective remedy for gonorrhoea. Four capsules of lady’s finger are cut into 2.5 c.m. pieces and are boiled in quarter liter of water for about 15 minutes. After cooling the pieces are squeezed and the mucilage is extracted and strained through a muslin cloth.

(3) In case of syphilis, a ‘T’ pack should be employed for an hour for the local treatment of the initial sore and it should be repeated twice daily. All clothes, sheets and towels , used by the patient should be handled carefully to avoid new sores and to prevent infection to others. It is better to boil all such articles. In case of eruptions on the different parts of the body, a wet sheet pack for an hour is beneficial. It will help bring out all the poisonous substances of the skin by producing more eruptions which will gradually dry up.

(4) Application of pelvic packs occasionally for an hour is one of the most effective methods of treatment in case of gonorrhoea. As irritation in the prostate gland and urethra is present in this disease, a hot hip bath for eight minutes has a beneficial effect as it tends to relieve irritation.

(5) An occasional steam bath for eight minutes is of outstanding value in both syphilis and gonorrhoea. It will help remove the poisonous substances from the body and enable the kidney to perform its work effectively. An overall massage has also beneficial effects on the entire body.

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