Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Leucorrhoea Cures Treatments

Leucorrhoea Cures,Leucorrhoea Treatments

(1) A total health building scheme is essential for the removal of the systemic toxicity which is primarily responsible for the disease. Such a scheme should consist of correct dietary habits, proper sleep, exercise, fresh air and sunshine.

(2) To begin with, the patient should fast for three or four days on lemon water or fruit juices for the elimination of the morbid matte from the body. During this period the bowel should be cleansed daily with a warm water enema. In case of habitual constipation, steps should be taken for its eradication.

(3) After a short fast, the patient may adopt an all fruit-diet for about a week. In this regimen, she should have three meals a day of fresh juicy fruits such as apples, pears, grapes, grapefruit, oranges, pineapple and peaches. If the patient is suffering from anemia, or is very much underweight, the diet may consist of fruits and milk. The patient may then gradually embark upon a well-balanced diet consisting of three basic food groups namely (i) seeds, nuts and grains, (ii) fruits and (iii) vegetables.

(4) Fresh fruits or fruit juices only should be taken between meals. All forms of white four, white sugar, fried and greasy foods, condiments, preserves, tea and coffee should be avoided.

(5) An effective home remedy for leucorrhoea is lady’s finger. A decoction of this vegetable is prepared by boiling of 100 grams of the fresh capsules, cut transversely, in half a liter of water for 20 minutes and then strained sweetened. This decoction, given in doses of two or three ounces frequently, is highly beneficial in all irritable conditions of genito-urinary organs including leucorrhoea.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Venereal Disease Cures Treatments

(1) Fresh juice of the flowers of the drumstick is very useful in the treatment of gonorrhoea. For better results, this juice should be given twice daily with tender coconut water. It acts as a diuretic tonic medicine in this disease.

(2) A decoction of fresh lady’s fingers has also been found useful in treating gonorrhoea. A cupful of mucilage of lady’s finger is mixed with ripe banana and a glassful of buttermilk. The mixture is a very effective remedy for gonorrhoea. Four capsules of lady’s finger are cut into 2.5 c.m. pieces and are boiled in quarter liter of water for about 15 minutes. After cooling the pieces are squeezed and the mucilage is extracted and strained through a muslin cloth.

(3) In case of syphilis, a ‘T’ pack should be employed for an hour for the local treatment of the initial sore and it should be repeated twice daily. All clothes, sheets and towels , used by the patient should be handled carefully to avoid new sores and to prevent infection to others. It is better to boil all such articles. In case of eruptions on the different parts of the body, a wet sheet pack for an hour is beneficial. It will help bring out all the poisonous substances of the skin by producing more eruptions which will gradually dry up.

(4) Application of pelvic packs occasionally for an hour is one of the most effective methods of treatment in case of gonorrhoea. As irritation in the prostate gland and urethra is present in this disease, a hot hip bath for eight minutes has a beneficial effect as it tends to relieve irritation.

(5) An occasional steam bath for eight minutes is of outstanding value in both syphilis and gonorrhoea. It will help remove the poisonous substances from the body and enable the kidney to perform its work effectively. An overall massage has also beneficial effects on the entire body.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Pleurisy Treatments Natural Cures Remedies

Pleurisy Natural Cures Remedies, Health Care Tips, Health Facts

(1) At the first sign of pleurisy, the patient should observe a complete fast, abstaining from all liquid and solid foods. Nothing should be taken except plain water, hot or cold, as desired.

(2) Water may have bad taste, but at least three or four glasses should be taken daily for the first few days. The quantity of water should be gradually increased to five or six or more glasses each day. It would be helpful if during this period of fasting, a full hot enema is also taken once daily.

(3) A hot chest pack should be applied two or three times a day allowing it to remain for an hour or so each time. If the fever becomes high, the packs may be changed to cold ones. If, however, the reaction is not prompt and complete, it would be advisable to use the hot packs.

(4) Heat is always helpful for relieving the sharp pain associated with pleurisy. This should be applied for half an hour twice daily. The patient should practice deep breathing during this period. Adequate rest and abundance of fresh air are essential.

(5) In cases of dry pleurisy, further relief from pain can be obtained by strapping the chest. Heat is not used when the tapping is employed. A neutral immersion bath at 100 F for one hour daily has also been found beneficial in the treatment of pleurisy.

(6) After the acute symptoms have subsided, the patient may adopt a milk diet. IN this regimen, he should take 250 ml. of milk every two hours on the first day, every 1 1/2 hour on the second day, every hour on the third day and every three-quarters of an hour on the fourth day and onwards.

(7) The quantity of milk should not exceed four liters daily. The patient may also take one orange daily along with the milk diet.

(8) As soon as the patient has gained slightly in strength, he should undertake moderate exercise as a routine, avoiding fatigue. Air bath, sun bath and dry friction bath are of particular importance. If there is any particular disease, present along with the pleurisy whether as a causative or as a complicating condition, the same should also be given appropriate attention.

(9) Chronic pleurisy should be treated in the same manner as to the diet and the application of heat.

(10) All efforts should be made to increase the vitality, reduce toxemia, and restore normal freedom of chest movements. Several short fasts, at regular intervals, followed by milk diet may be necessary depending on the progress for complete recovery.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Measles Treatments Cures

Measles Cure, Home Remedies, Treatments

In the beginning of the Measles Treatments, the patient should be given juices of fresh fruits like orange and lemon frequently. This is sufficient as the child suffers from lack of appetite during this period.

In second point of Measles Cures, He should be kept in a well ventilated room. As light has a detrimental effect upon the eyes during measles, because of the weakened condition of the external eye tissues, the child should have his eyes shaded or the room should have subdued light.

The Measles Care should aim at bringing down the temperature and eliminating the toxins from the system. This can be achieved by administration of warm water enema every morning, application of mud packs on the abdomen twice a day in the morning and evening and repeated application of chest packs. Lukewarm water baths can be given every day to ease itching.
Addition of extracts of neem leaves to this water will prove beneficial.

As the condition improves, the child can be placed on an all fruit diet for a further few days.
Thereafter he may be allowed to gradually embark upon a well-balanced diet.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Never Sick Again Chart Diagram

Never Sick Again Chart, Never Sick Again Diagram, Health Care Tips, Health Facts

Above Image is about

Never Sick Again Chart

for all mine blog visitors.

Just single click on image and you will get clear zoom view of it.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Chest Breathing Exercises Techniques

Health Tips, Health Facts, Coastal Breathing Technique

After completion of daily routine work, may be you have some questions like that, “I am feeling stressed or rushed or restless?

Most of us do at some time or another, but when it becomes a regular event it can start having a detrimental effect on our health. Breathing Exercise is a great antidote to these kinds of feelings, but the problem is that our lives are so busy nowadays it can be difficult to find the time to fit any in.

This types of breathing which is called Costal or Chest Breathing is characterized by an outward, upward movement of the chest wall. In chest breathing the expansion is centered at the midpoint and consequently it aerates the middle part of the lung most.

Since the lower part of the lung is most abundantly perfused with blood, we have that ventilation perfusion mismatch described earlier. Thus during resting periods chest breathing is less efficient.

Chest breathing exercises also requires more work to be done in lifting the rib cage, thus the body has to work harder to accomplish the same blood gas mixing than with diaphragmatic breathing, and the greater the work, the greater the amount of oxygen needed, which results in more frequent breaths.

Chest breathing technique is useful during vigorous exercise but it is quite inappropriate for ordinary, everyday activity. Since it is part and parcel of the fight or flight response it occurs when the individual is aroused by external or internal challenges or danger. As a result, chest breathing is likely to be associated with other symptoms of arousal like tension and anxiety.

Since there is a reciprocal relationship between breathing and the mind, chest breathing, if continued during rest periods, will lead to tension and anxiety, thus creating a vicious circle.

With chest breathing the breath is likely to be shallow, jerky and unsteady, resulting in unsteadiness of the mind and emotions. Until chest breathing is replaced by deep, even and steady diaphragmatic breathing, all efforts to relax the body, nerves and mind will be ineffective.

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