Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Health Tips & Benefits - Exercises and Fitness for Healthy Lifestyle

Exercise is as important to good health as proper nutrition.

Exercise is any type of physical exertion we perform in an effort to improve our health,shape our bodies and boost performance.

Exercise is brisk physical activity that requires the heart and lungs to work harder to meet the body's increased oxygen demand.Exercise promotes the circulation of oxygen through the blood.

Physical activity means Exercise can lower your blood glucose (sugar), blood pressure, and cholesterol. It also reduces your risk for heart disease and stroke, relieves stress, and strengthens your heart, muscles, and bones. In addition, regular activity helps insulin work better, improves your blood circulation, and keeps your joints flexible.

Maintain a healthy weight-Regular exercise helps you to and helps your heart to work more efficiently.

Exercise can help you feel less anxious-Exercise is being prescribed in clinical settings to help treat nervous tension.

Stretching is one of the most useful step of exercise and its really crucial to good health.

There are so many benefits of little stretching our body in day are:-

(1) Reduced muscle tension

(2) Injury prevention

(3) Increased range of movement in the joints

(4) Enhanced muscular coordination

(5) Increased circulation of the blood to various parts of the body

(6) Increased energy levels (resulting from increased circulation)

One of the biggest mistakes we could ever make is to buy the biggest, meanest gym quality fitness equipment monster there is simply because it's the best looking one in the store.

We have to keep our fitness goals in mind when shopping for a home fitness equipment.

There are so many online resources available for Home Base Exercise and Fitness Equipments for our Health.

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